War within Islam: “Deobandi Wahhabi ulema are violent, extremist, cowardly insulters of prophets, narrow-minde d bundle of contradictions and vile peddlers of lies and falsehoods”

Urdu Section
War within Islam: “Deobandi Wahhabi ulema are violent, extremist, cowardly insulters of prophets, narrow-minded bundle of contradictions and vile peddlers of lies and falsehoods”
Maulana Mohammad Nasir Misbahi pays Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi back in his own coin


Islam and Politics
Political Islam in the Service of Imperialism
NewAgeIslamSamir1Amin.jpgPolitical Islam would have had much more difficulty in moving out from the borders of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan without the continual, powerful, and resolute support of the United States. Saudi Arabian society had not even begun its move out of tradition when petroleum was discovered under its soil. The alliance between imperialism and the traditional ruling class, sealed immediately, was concluded between the two partners and gave a new lease on life to Wahabi political Islam. On their side, the British succeeded in breaking Indian unity by persuading the Muslim leaders to create their own state, trapped in political Islam at its very birth. It should be noted that the theory by which this curiosity was legitimated—attributed to Mawdudi—had been completely drawn up beforehand by the English Orientalists in His Majesty’s service.*

*The origin of the force of today’s political Islam in Iran does not show the same historical connection with imperialist manipulation, for reasons discussed in the next section.—Ed.

It is, thus, easy to understand the initiative taken by the United States to break the united front of Asian and African states set up at Bandung (1955) by creating an “Islamic Conference,” immediately promoted (from 1957) by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Political Islam penetrated into the region by this means. — Samir Amin

Islam,Terrorism and Jihad
The myth of Taliban’s Jehad
The takfiri not only mistranslate the word Jihad for Qital, but also distort the true meaning of Quranic texts by quoting them out of context with Ahadith or peculiar situations to which they relate. They present a jaundiced microscopic view of Islam, equating Jihad with terrorism. Islam does not support unbridled Jihad or Qital. Quran, Ahadith and conduct of the Pious Caliphs explains types of wars, reasons for waging them, treatment of civilians, women and children, and other aspects. Let us have a bird’s-eye view of some of Islamic injunctions. Islam provides for tolerance of other religions. The Qur’an gives a clear instruction that there is no compulsion in religion (2: 256). It states that people will remain different (11: 118), they will always have different religions and ways and this is an unalterable fact (5:48). God tells the Prophet that most people will not believe ‘even if you are eager that they should’ (12: 103). Marriages with Ahl al Kitab are valid. — Saman Malik
Islamic Ideology
Freedom is a natural, fundamental right in Islam
By Maualana Nademul Wajidi


Islamic History
Role of Islamic Scholars in India’s independence movement
By Adil Siddiqui


Urdu Section
War within Islam: “Bareilvis are violent, aggressive, extremely bitter manufacturers of Kafirs in Indian Islam”
Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi responds to Maulana Mohammad Nasir Misbahi’s charges of Kufr against Deobandis and Wahhabiis


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Islamic Sharia Laws
Why Islamic Law Is the Antithesis of Equal Justice proclaimed by Muslims
A Muslim man will never be sentenced to be flogged for wearing pants, just as a Muslim Imam will never be tried for blasphemy no matter how many ugly things he says about Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism or Buddhism. Blasphemy is a charge that is meaningful only in relation to the doctrine that is at the heart of Islamic law that is Islam itself.

Islamic law is law made by Muslim men for the benefit of Muslim men, and the detriment of everyone else. It is the product of an inherently unequal system, designed to perpetuate that system.

Islam does not recognize human equality. It is premised on human inequality. Women cannot be subject to the same laws as men, just as Mohammed was not subject to the same laws as men. Indeed the Koran records that Mohammed explicitly had the law rewritten on his behalf when he desired something, such as Zaynab, who happened to be married to his adopted son. A minor matter for the Prophet. The Koran also limited the number of permissible wives to four. This did not stop Mohammed from marrying as many as fifteen women. Muslims do not see the contradiction in any of this, because there is no premise of equality under Islamic law. You are only as "equal" as your spiritual standing within the Ummah permits.

The War Within Islam: Niyaz Fatehpuri’s Struggle Against The Fundamentalists

Why 20, 000 Iranian Jews’ don’t want to leave Iran?

Why Iranian Mullahs helped the US install the Shah and then turned against him?

Islam and Politics
17 Mar 2009, NewAgeIslam.Com
Why Iranian Mullahs helped the US install the Shah and then turned against him?
The role of Mullahs in the coup against liberal democrat Mossadegh

newageislam_khomeini.jpgDespite the propaganda by Islamic fundamentalists, the hostility of the conservative religious forces against Americans was not due to the 1953 coup. Actually, Islamic fundamentalist forces were among the groups that were either mobilized by the CIA and the Shah supporters for the coup, or publicly supported the Shah after the coup. The fundamentalists opposed Mossadegh and collaborated with the CIA in 1953 as well as with the subsequent regime until 1961. Among those who closely worked with the CIA and the Shah during and after the coup are: Ayatollah Abolqassem Kashani, Kashani’s son who was one of the very first persons who talked at Radio Tehran as soon as it was captured by the coup plotters, Ayatollah Mohammad Behbahani, Hojatolislam Mohammad Taqi Falsafi, and Grand Ayatollah Brujerdi.1…

Khomeini was a top clerk for Grand Ayatollah Brujerdi. We also know that after the coup Khomeini took secret messages from Brujerdi to the Shah.28 According to Ervand Abrahamian, Khomeini "served as Borujerdi’s teaching assistant and personal secretary, at crucial times conveying confidential messages to the shah."29 According to Iranian historian, Nasser Pakdaman, in Persian calender Dey 1331 (January 1953), after Mossadegh cabinet submitted a bill to the parliament granting women the vote, Ayatollah Kashani opposed it. Ruhollah Khomeini gave a sermon in a Qom mosque and called upon the people to go out and protest against Mossadegh’s government and the bill.

Pakistan: Long March – A Long View

Islam and Politics
17 Mar 2009, NewAgeIslam.Com
Pakistan: Long March – A Long View
newageislam_PakCJIChaudhry.jpg The restoration of deposed Chief Justice (CJ) of the Supreme Court Iftikhar Chaudhry as the CJ may not settle the legal imbroglio in totality as many issues remain unresolved. His restoration, however, proves again the power of at least the two ‘As’: Army and America. The third ‘A’ is watching in total amazement.