Remember always Allah God, Omnipresent, Omniscience, Omnipotence: Remember

daro us vakat se ata ullah qasmi jang 12 07 09

Remember always Allah God, Omnipresent, Omniscience, Omnipotence

daro us vakat se ata ullah qasmi jang 11 07 09


The Liberal would dismiss Islam as sinister for its take on human rights and women in particular. The Left would fall into the trap of denouncing religion in general as ‘reactionary’. Maybe without realizing it, both Lib and Left are falling here into a clear supremacist argument. Since both Islam and Judaism are more than just religions, they convey a ‘way of life’ and stand as a totally thorough answer to questions regarding being in the world, the Western Lib-Left are at danger of a complete dismissal of a large chunk of humanity.
I have recently accused a genuine Leftist and good activist of being an Islamophobe for blaming Hamas for being ‘reactionary’. The activist, who is evidently a true supporter of Palestinian resistance was quick to defend himself claiming that it wasn’t only ‘Islamism’ that he didn’t like, he actually equally hated Christianity and Judaism. For some reason he was sure that hating every religion equally was a proper humanist qualification. Accordingly, the fact that an Islamophobe is also a Judeophobe and Christiano-phobe is not necessarily a sign of a humanist commitment. — Gilad Atzmon

Homosexuality and world religions’ moral system

By Fateh Mohammad Nadvi



Punish the perpetrators of Babri demolition

By Prabhash Joshi

